Szperając po internecie trafiłem na zbiór filmików będący fragmentami wykładów z ITIL v3 prowadzonymi przez Marco Cattaneo z Charles Stuart University. Filmiki można znaleźć na You Tube, ale dla Waszej wygody zebrałem je w jednym miejscu, poukładałem kolejno. Zrobiło się z tego prawie darmowe szkolenie ITIL v3 Foundation. To jeszcze nie są wszystkie odcinki, ale w miarę ich pojawiania się będe je dodawał w tym wpisie. Życzę Wam miłego oglądania.
This post is also available in English.
Moduł I
1. Wprowadzenie do zarządzania IT
2. ITIL v3 – dobre praktyki (good practice)
4. ITIL v3 – zarządzanie usługami (service management)
5. ITIL v3 – Funkcje i procesy (function and processes)
6. ITIL v3 – Procesy i ich cechy
Moduł II
7. ITIL v3 – Model cyklu życia usługi
8. ITIL v3 – Strategia usługi (Service Strategy)
9. ITIL v3 – Tworzenie usługi (Service Design)
10. ITIL v3 – Tworzenie usługi II – wartość (Service Design)
11. ITIL v3 – Przekazanie usługi (Service Transition)
12. ITIL v3 – Przekazanie usługi II – wartość (Service Transition)
13. ITIL v3 – Eksploatacja usługi (Service Operation)
14. ITIL v3 – Eksploatacja usługi II – wartość (Service Operation)
15. ITIL v3 – Ustawiczne doskonalenie usług (Continual Service Improvement)
Moduł III
16. ITIL v3 – Użyteczność i gwarancja (utility and warranty)
17. ITIL v3 – Zasoby, zdolności (assets, resources and capabilities)
18. ITIL v3 – Portfel usług (service portfolio)
19. ITIL v3 – Katalog usług (service catalog)
20. ITIL v3 – Nadzór IT (IT Governance)
21. ITIL v3 – Uzasadnienie biznesowe (Business case)
23. ITIL v3 – Dostawca usług (Service provider)
24. ITIL v3 – Dostawca (Supplier)
25. ITIL v3 – Sercive Level Agreement – SLA
26. ITIL v3 – Operational Level Agreement – OLA
27. ITIL v3 – Underpinng Contract – UC
28. ITIL v3 – Pakiet projektu usług (Service Design Package – SDP)
29. ITIL v3 – Dostępność (Availability)
30. ITIL v3 – System Zarządzania Wiedzą o Usługach (Service Knowledge Management System – SKMS)
31. ITIL v3 – Element konfiguracji (Configuation Item)
32. ITIL v3 – System zarządzania konfiguracją (Configuration Management System – CMS)
33. ITIL v3 – Biblioteka oficjalnych nośników (Definitive Media Library – DML)
34. ITIL v3 – Zmiana (Service change)
35. ITIL v3 – Kategorie zmian (Change categories)
36. ITIL v3 – Jednostka wersji (Release unit)
37. ITIL v3 – 7 R zarządzanie zmianą (7 Rs of change management)
38. ITIL v3 – Zdarzenie (Event)
39 ITIL v3 – Ostrzeżenie (Alert)
40 ITIL v3 – Incydent (Incident)
41 ITIL v3 – Wpływ, pilność i priorytet (Impact, urgency and priority)
42. ITIL v3 – Wniosek o usługę (Service Request)
43. ITIL v3 – Problem (Problem)
44. ITIL v3 – Obejście (Workaround)
45. ITIL v3 – Znany błąd (Known Error – KE)
46. ITIL v3 – Baza znanych błędów (Known Error Database – KEDB)
47. ITIL v3 – Komunikacja (Communication)
48. ITIL v3- Komponenty usługi (Service Assets)
49. ITIL v3 – Polityka wersji (Release policy)
Moduł 4
50. ITIL v3 – Tworzenie wartości poprzez usługi (Value creation through Services)
51. ITIL v3 – 4P zarządzania usługami (4 Ps of IT Service Management)
52. ITIL v3 – 5 aspektów tworzenia usług (The 5 Service Design Aspects)
53. ITIL v3 – Cykl Deminga – PDCA (Deming’s cycle – PDCA)
54. ITIL v3 – Model ustawicznego doskonalenia usług (Continual Service Improvement Model)
Hi Mateusz,
Well done. For sure I’ll make a pass through these.
Pingback: Vídeos gratuitos sobre ITIL v3 - Cleber Marques
Hi Mateusz, congrats for share this with us. I was published in my blog too (
Cleber Marques
Thank you for sharing it ! I feel it would be very interesting for those people looking for info about ITSM.
Fantastic resource, thanks for the tip Mateusz. I’ll pass this on to my peers.
BTW: I really like your blog. Found you through Linkedin.
Pingback: Blog - all about IT » Darmowe szkolenie ITIL v3 - zbiór filmików o ITIL v3
There are another videos from this series:
55. ITIL v3 – Role of Measurement as part of CSI
56. ITIL v3 – Role of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) as part of CSI
57. ITIL v3 – Baselines
58. ITIL v3 – Types of Metrics
59. ITIL v3 – Demand Management Objective
60. ITIL v3 – Demand Management Challenges
61. ITIL v3 – Activity Based Demand Management
62. ITIL v3 – Patterns of Business Activity (PBA) and User Profiles (UP)
63. ITIL v3 – Financial Management Objective
Pingback: Service Management ITIL « Governance Blog
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This is there enough clips here to complete the actual ITIL certification?
where else can i get this video’s without going to youtube’
pls mail me
Don’t know any other source of this videos, there were originally published on you tubue. Maybye you should ask someone to download these ITIL videos for you.
Hi Mateusz, I just wanted to let you know that I am delighted to have come across your site and am sure that it will be of great help to pass the ITIL v3 foundation exam in about 3 weeks. Dzienky bardzo! ;o) Frank
64. ITIL v3 Financial Management Basic Concepts (ROI and VOI)
65. ITIL v3 Financial Management Business Case
And next lessons from CSU:
66. ITIL v3 Service Level Management Objective
67. ITIL v3 Service Level Management Basic Concepts
68. ITIL v3 Service Level Management Activities
69. ITIL v3 Service Level Management Relationships
70. ITIL v3 Service Level Management Service Based SLA
71. ITIL v3 Multi-level Service Level Agreements
72. ITIL v3 Service Level Requirements (SLRs)
Hi Mateusz. Thank you for share this material with us.
Hi Guys,
is this is enough to prepare for the itil v3 foundation exam?
HI Mateuz
I just dowloaded the videos and uploaded them , so everyone now can download them from
Pingback: Governaça de TI – ITIL V3 – Coletânea de Vídeos | JGuanais's – The past, present and future … all together!
What about ITIL v3 2011, can I depend on these videos? thank u.
i found 100+ on his playlist , do i have to study all 100+ videos or just this list for ITIL v3 2011 Foundation ?
There are no more youtube films. Why?
Probably, they were removed due to licensing issues. The subsite of this blog with free ITIL training materials will be prepared soon. So, please stay tuned.