IT Governance recently became very popular, but where can we find more information about it?
So far, there was a lack of a good guide to literature on IT Governance, But the situation has changed with the publication of guidelines for the CGEIT exam (Certified in the Governance of Enterprise IT). With the creation of the exam, ISACA has also issued a document – ‘CGEIT Item Development Guide‘, which in Annex C – “References” refers to the literature needed to prepare for the exam. This document shows also, where to look for knowledge about IT Governance.
Sources of knowledge were divided into the following areas:
Domain I – IT Governance Framework
Domain II – Aligning IT to the business strategy (Strategic Alignment)
Domain III – Value Delivery by IT
Domain IV – IT Risk Management
Domain V – IT Resource Management
Domain VI – IT Performance Measurement
Of course, here we find the source such as: COBIT 4.1, Val IT, and complementary documents issued by ITGI and ISACA.
What other documents are recommended by ISACA?:
As you can see quite a lot of documents, some only partially cover the IT Governance topics.
Finally, I would like to add valuable sources, which were not mentioned in the document:
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Prosze wybaczyć, ale tłumaczenie terminu IT Governance jako nadzór IT – jak to sugeruje tytuł tej strony jest co najmniej dyskusyjne.
Ciekawy temat, rzeczywiście spotkałem się z różnymi tłumaczeniami, ten był mi najbliższy choćby ze względu na to, że SGH, gdzie kończyłem podyplomowe promouje właśnie takie tłumaczenie. Jaką ma Pan w taki razie propozycję na polskie tłumaczenie terminu “IT governance”
proponuje zostawić w oryginale (podobnie jak dziaj nikt nie usiłuje tłumaczyc na siłę np. słowa router) a w definicji okreslić jako ład korporacyjny i organizacyjny w IT