According to Dilbert…
An interesting topic for consideration at the long winter evenings 😉
If ITIL is the best practice in IT service management and the best practice means universal acceptance in a given industry and doing what others do, one can come to the conclusion that result of ITIL implementation will be only an average it organization.
But, does the best practice mean that there is nothing better?
So, does it mean that the best practice is always a good practice (3 women are walking down the street, the second is prettier than the first, third is prettier than the second, so third is the prettiest, but does it mean that any of them is pretty?)
Oh, I think I have no more time for thinking about it, if you want more please visit following sites.
Stop Calling ITIL Best Practice
Może dlatego w V3 nie ma już “best practice”, tylko “good practice”? Dla mnie jest to sugestia, że ITIL nie jest rozwiązaniem ostatecznym, ale raczej solidną bazą do zbudowania własnego “best practice”.
I recently discovered this blog. I’ve had a similiar idea to your rewriting the ten commandments for some time now.
Well, I understand and I see that there are lots of approaches to ITIL. I am building on a new approach similar to Microsoft Operation Framework. I am running my website to offer ideas, jobs, videos on ITIL (free). I am sure that best practices is something that renewable, it means, everyday there is a new and easy way of doing the same. These are my views. Thanks, Dan (