One of the main sources of knowledge about IT management for me are various blogs. You can find there the most current and practical information about what is going in the world of IT Service Management. Because there are a few (in my opinion more than 10 less than 30) ‘good’ IT Management blogs, to be up to date with them all can be difficult and time-consuming. So, I made the decision to do something about that.
I’ve created very simple internet site, that aggregates headlines from a dozen or so blogs about: ITIL, ISO 20000, IT governance and others related to IT Service Management. The service is called ITSM24.COM. It also has a nice functionality tha enables you to create your own RSS feeds based on keywords from syndicated articles. I invite you to ITSM24.COM. If you’d like to have your blog listed on the site, please don’t hesitate to contact under In my opinion it’s a very interesting way to promote your IT Service Management blog.